聖公會宣教致力於興起, 差遣及支援領袖及信仰的羣體去為主接觸那些在北美中迷失的人。我們建基於愛爾蘭的宣教傳統及被三個主流導向所培育: 聖經, 禮儀及聖靈。
聖公會宣教自2000年開展後幫助建立超過二百間教會。我們藉着一個充滿創作, 彈性, 果斷, 學習及領導的文化去委身致力建立這豐富的歷史傳統。
我們邀請你加入這在北美與基督一起充滿着發展, 愛心及領導的運動。
聖公會宣教致力於興起, 差遣及支援領袖及信仰的羣體去為主接觸那些在北美中迷失的人。我們建基於愛爾蘭的宣教傳統及被三個主流導向所培育: 聖經, 禮儀及聖靈。
聖公會宣教自2000年開展後幫助建立超過二百間教會。我們藉着一個充滿創作, 彈性, 果斷, 學習及領導的文化去委身致力建立這豐富的歷史傳統。
我們邀請你加入這在北美與基督一起充滿着發展, 愛心及領導的運動。
We celebrate the 3 historic streams of the Christian faith:
The Scripture
We hold that the Bible guides our lives and is authoritative for us individually and for the Church at large (known as the evangelical tradition).
The Sacraments
We believe the Sacramental life is embodied in the practices and teachings Christians have held throughout the centuries as expressed in the historic Creeds and 39 Articles of Religion. Our faith tradition has a variety of worship expressions, including the sacraments instituted by Jesus (known as the catholic tradition).
The Spirit
We trust God’s Spirit is at work in the Church and the world, manifesting His power and preparing us for ministry through the deposit of his gifts (known as the charismatic tradition).
聖公會宣教致力去充滿冒險及勇氣的在美洲以宣教為唯一的目標。我們藉着一個呼召, 一個文化, 一個羣體去一起服事